CRAFT 2024 Fall Salon

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CRAFT 2024 Fall Salon

Please join us for an hour of readings by award-winning authors!

Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 2-3 p.m. PDT / 5-6 p.m. EDT on Zoom

The event is free and open to all interested, but please register via Submittable to receive the link!

Featured Reader: Meg Pokrass

Author of The First Law of Holes: New and Selected Stories

Guest Judge for the CRAFT 2024 Flash Prose Prize

Additional virtual salon readers will include recent flash prose contributors:

Moisés Delgado

Introduced by Lindsey Wente, Flash Fiction Editorial Assistant

Grace Morse

Introduced by Travis D. Roberson, Creative Nonfiction Editorial Assistant

Heidi Richardson

Introduced by Eliana Gruvman, Flash Fiction Editorial Assistant

Julie Marie Wade

Introduced by Jacqueline Doyle, Flash Creative Nonfiction Associate Editor

Editor in Chief Courtney Harler will moderate the event.

Additional details provided upon registration.

Our Featured Reader:

MEG POKRASS is the author of The First Law of Holes: New and Selected Stories (Dzanc Books, 2024) and eight previous collections of flash fiction and two novellas-in-flash. Her work has been published in three Norton anthologies, including Flash Fiction America, New Micro, and Flash Fiction International; Best Small Fictions 2018, 2019, 2022, and 2023; Wigleaf Top 50; and hundreds of literary magazines including Electric Literature, New England Review, McSweeney’s, Five Points, Split Lip, Washington Square Review, and Passages North. Meg is the founding editor of New Flash Fiction Review, festival curator of Flash Fiction Festival UK, and founding/managing editor of the Best Microfiction anthology series. She lives in Scotland, where she serves as chief judge for the Edinburgh Flash Fiction Award. Find her on Facebook @MegPokrass.

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